Abstract Art The Heroine Sequence

The Heroine Sequence, Pt. XII

The Heroine Sequence, Pt. XII
Alex Hinders, 2012.
Colored pencil and marker.
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The “Evil” Sorcerer, the former apprentice of the Wizard, professed to have seen the error of his ways, and that he regretted all of his rash actions. When this didn’t sway her father’s opinion, the Princess threatened to run away to another kingdom with the Sorcerer if he didn’t approve their marriage. It was at about this point that the Heroine and the Wizard started to feel infinitely awkward; this domestic affair really wasn’t any of their business. They politely excused themselves in the midst of the battle.

The Heroine wanted to believe that love could conquor all but she was also fairly certain love was supposed to devoid of any literal or physical conquoring; The Wizard found the situation amusing, but offered no opinions. It was at this point the subject of when to part came up — they were both heading to the same port so they figured they would travel together until then. The Wizard wanted to hurry to the Demon’s Seal and see if he could repair the Seal while the Demon Lord rested. The Heroine was less sure of her next destination, but figured she should stop off at her home first.

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