Abstract Art The Heroine Sequence

The Heroine Sequence, Pt. IV

The Heroine Sequence, Pt. IV.
Alex Hinders, 2012.
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The Evil Sorcerer sent a dragon out to take care of the Heroine before she became a real problem; he also sent The Underling to observe events. Flitting about in the air, The Underling mocked the Heroine and joked about while she engaged the dragon in battle. This was both the most difficult and the most exhilarating battle of The Heroine’s life. In the end, she was the victor — the body of the slain dragon fell against the ground. The Underling stopped laughing and vanished. With the blood of a dragon on her sword, the Heroine continued on her way to meet with the Wizard who once trained the Sorcerer.

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