Abstract Art

Pious Girl

Pious Girl
Alex Hinders, 2011/2013.
Colored pencil and pen.
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I drew the initial drawing and colored the woman and the angels back in 2011 after my break-up with the Purple Girl. I think at this point I was reviewing my romantic history and the Pious Girl popped up into my sub-conscious. That was a really fun date, even if things didn’t work out between us. A miscommunication had us waiting for each other in the wrong locations while it was raining. During the dinner she bowed her head to say grace and I panicked, thinking maybe I was supposed to do something, too — though I wasn’t. Turned out I was on a date with a Pasteur’s daughter.

The drawing was left in my incomplete folder for nearly two years. I couldn’t really think of a background pattern that would really ignite the drawing and bring it to life — until this previous weekend. I looked at it, saw this background in my head, and set out to finally finish this little drawing. This is a more in-depth exploration of the color yellow than I’ve ever done and I also used a different coloring method than usual. Yellow can be a hard color to see, so I had to keep going over areas with different shades of yellow and gold. This proved to be quite fun and I’m pleased with the end results.