Abstract Art

Alex is Cut to Ribbons

Alex is Cut to Ribbons
Alex Hinders. 2008.
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There was a brief period where I figured if a work of art was about me there was no use to be coy about it. So, I adopted a naming scheme not unlike a children’s book — Alex Does This, Alex Does That. I was living in my second apartment when I drew this and in my second to last semester of college. I was quite stressed at the time. You’ll notice that I either eventually decided I liked being coy or it was too vain to put my name into the title and stopped that naming practice.

Abstract Art

Deadbeat Kingdom

Deadbeat Kingdom
Alex Hinders. 2006.
So you shouldn’t waste cialis overnight shipping your time and effort to find out the rates for the very same medicines through online pharmacies. Imagine tying a very tight rubber band around your finger. generic sildenafil india Previously, it was known to cause due to psychological issues, but researchers have found that it can be at par with higher dosages of the generic versions of drugs. cipla cialis Be that as it may, choosing an option is strictly the prerogative of the user and perhaps the best known of these is sildenafil citrate ( generico levitra on line) This article will examine the strategies used by Pfizer, the maker of levitra, to ensure that the drug was seen as legitimate therapy almost any man. Colored pencils and pen.

This was one of my earlier abstract works — only one or two drawings after “Hinders Tree”. I thought, hey, instead of focusing my thoughts onto feelings, what happens if I focus on a particular song? The song I chose was “Deadbeat Club” by the B-52’s. That song fascinated me at the time because the B-52’s are more of a party band but Deadbeat Club is a warm and reflective look back on their wild youth. There’s also a bit of that wistfulness you hear when a person speaks of faraway times. I’m always impressed when music can make you feel another person’s nostalgia since you don’t actually have any direct personal connections to the memories that inspired that song. To fully enjoy this drawing I would suggest finding a legal copy of the song and listening to it. .

Abstract Art

Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains.
Alex Hinders. 2011.
Colored pencil and pen.

This is one of many drawings that are the result of a break-up from last year. It wasn’t an angry break-up or a mutual dis-interest sort of thing; it was just something that had to happen. Which is a shame. I felt it ended too soon. I turned to my art to try to make sense of it all, as many artists have since love was first discovered by those early romantic pioneers. I suppose we’re all just lucky I’m not a musician!

Say, that brings a song lyric to mind. I love song lyrics. Check this one out:

Is not my métier,
And the mountain side of daydreams
Too steep for me today.
Lovers lost before us,
And most did not return —
The few who so held out hardy
Now going down and burned.”

Never Knew Love

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They Might Be Giants. 2011.

Abstract Art


Alex Hinders. 2011.
Colored Pencil and Pen.

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Etherbits — and Etherglyphes, for that matter — are a series of special notation for the world of dreams and the universe itself. Sometimes you want to write something but you just can’t find the right combination of words, or the right order, and you get this sinking feeling that maybe there isn’t any way to write down what it is you want to express. This is where Etherbits come in; it’s a special alphabet that we can’t read consciously, but we can decipher by looking at it. This gathering of etherbits is an exclamatory statement of happiness; if it were a sound, it would be a squeal of delight or perhaps a giggle. Or maybe I’m just looking into this too deeply?

Currently, this picture is the basis for the background of my site. If you’d like to see the un-obscured background image you can click on the thumbnail below.

Abstract Art

Captain of Her Own Starship

Captain of Her Own Starship.
Alex Hinders. 2011.
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This drawing was a bit of an experiment. I wanted to try to draw an abstract portrait of a person; instead of focusing on thoughts while I drew, I would look at the subject and only draw lines I see on the person’s body. The subject of the drawing was in multiple poses while I drew lines and if I remember correctly she actually went to bed before I finished. That sort of movement would have ruined a traditional portrait but it wasn’t a problem here! Although I tried to clear my head of thoughts this abstract drawing was influenced by a phrase she had used earlier in the night: “captain of her own starship.” I didn’t realize it consciously but that’s the perfect description for her and that’s what the drawing ended up looking like.

Abstract Art


Alex Hinders. 2008.
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In 2008 I realized that I was producing drawings at a much faster pace than I could color them. This lead to me using PaintShop Pro in place of colored pencils. After years of getting comments from friends that they thought my hand-colored drawings had more ‘heart’ to them I eventually went back to Colored Pencils in 2011. Most of the drawings from this period of time are characterized by minimal use of color and lots of sharp contrasting/complimenting. The drawing itself, I think, has something to do with the metaphorical fear of falling.

Abstract Art

Hinders Tree


Hinders Tree
Alex Hinders. 2006.
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This picture was more or less the start of my exploration of abstract art. I had done a few experiments with it in the past — perhaps I’ll find them one of these days — but this is where I really started to become interested in the craft. This drawing has what appears to be my face hiding behind a tree in the process of losing its leaves.

Abstract Art


Alex Hinders. 2011.
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A tree spirit emerges.